May 4, 2019

Creative Brain

Another bit of scoring work sees the light of day, this time for David Eagleman’s documentary on creativity. It features a pretty diverse array of creative people including Tim Robbins, Kelis, Michael Chabon and Nick Cave, and it’s on Netflix…

Short Film Score

Recent commission to score the 1908 silent film ‘St Kilda, It’s People And Birds’, to be performed as part of the Edinburgh Film Festival. The premiere was at the unique Flowave facility in Edinburgh University, the world’s second largest wave…

OWM Vol.1 Release

For the last few years I have been working increasingly away from the dancefloor under my own name, and soaking up more varied influences. Other World Music will be a series of albums reflecting my explorations in these new fields,…


‘Swung’, a new film from Sigma Films, directed by Colin Kennedy is premiering at the Edinburgh Film Festival. And it has already picked up some international distribution. It features some original music by myself.

Order Disorder Vinyl

Available on very limited green vinyl as of yesterday. My Order Disorder score composed for the BBC series of the same name. Includes free mp3 version. and (for US)!store/cuaz